Meet Debby
Meet Debby
Meet Debby
Meet Debby
click here for the level 1-2 bundle*
click here for the level 1-4 bundle*
You’re a global change-agent, a cultural creative, and you understand that we are standing on the edge of a creative revolution for humanity and you are ready to do your part as a leader.
Knowing how to use Quantum Human Design™ is a powerful skill for any service-based professional, whether you’re already a coach, a healer or even a corporate leader. Over the last twenty years Karen has trained more than a thousand specialists with a wide variety of professional backgrounds including physicians, corporate trainers, social workers, coaches and educators.
It is important to Karen, as a teacher and a trainer, to not only offer you a scientifically demonstrated way to accelerate your learning, but to also give you a proven system and support to help you with your Human Design business.
The Quantum Human Design for Everyone Training System™ incorporates modern technology, online learning, and community-based support to help you master Quantum Human Design and how to use Quantum Human Design as a coaching and healing tool.
This is a self-paced online course of study that you can complete at your own speed from the comfort of your home, blended with live weekly support, live and virtual community and an annual conference where you can meet other Quantum Human Design™ specialists and become part of a global team of people working to make the world a better place.
There are four levels of Quantum Human Design professional training, split up into bundles. The starter bundle is comprised of levels one and two, after this, you can begin using it in your business. You can also opt for levels one through four. Level four is taught once a year in a nine-month live online school setting.
Each level has a series of instructional videos, written materials, weekly online live support forums, and an online community where you access support and make friends with like-minded global change agents!
The Human Design for Everyone Training System™ will help you build a strong foundation for your coaching practice, deepen your business mastery, make you a better coach, become part of a world-changing tribe of like-minded people, and most importantly, will give you the skills to help people navigate life with grace, resiliency, and alignment with their authentic self.
The knowledge you will learn will help you help others create better health and wellness, achieve higher states of vitality, find more meaning in life, have deeper and more fulfilling relationships, discover a deeper spiritual connection, create the lifestyle that supports and nourishes them, and ultimately, helps them unlock their natural creative powers so that they can create a life that sustains them, no matter what is happening in the world.
(And you get to reap all of these benefits too!)
I look forward to seeing you into our community and watching you grow in your passion and abundance!
*affiliate links